The Yves Rocher Poland team needed a tool that they could use in their e-commerce campaign to diagnose and steer the consumer to the right product choice. They wanted to insert the tool in their product packages sent to consumers with product information but wanted it to be interactive. The goal was to engage with the consumer so they could learn more about their skin needs.
A discount voucher was included to help the consumer return to the e-commerce site to reorder and add to their shopping basket.
Using our Skin Type Tester technology, the USP Solutions team developed a folded card with two testers affixed that measured the skin type while giving product regime recommendations based on the results. This tool included a QR code that directed the consumer to the special discount.
Our beauty marketing tools are highly effective.
What is my skin type? Questions many consumers need and want to know make sure they pick the right product out of a beauty brand’s product range. For direct selling companies, it means a shift from selling to consulting, empowering consultants.
Throughout the four seasons, our skin type undergoes change. What is the current status of your consumer’s skin? Which product out of your range is the best fit? How to shift a selling to a consulting situation during one to one consultancy? A challenge to which we were happy to provide a solution for.
The Yves Rocher Team was searching for a way to empower their beauty consultants to make profound product recommendations in direct selling situations. The main goals: confident beauty consultants & happy consumers – ready to become brand advocates.
USP Solutions’ aim was to turn Yves Rocher’s expectations into a highly engaging direct selling tool that fueled consumer excitement. Achieving this was made possible through providing an easy to use and reliable test, which served as a great conversation starter and was fun, too. The skin type test created an emotional brand experience, allowing consumers to touch and feel the brand.
After receiving prototypes that varied in size and shape from USP Solutions the YVES ROCHER team agreed the Skin Type Tester was the suitable technology.
As soon as both sides had a clear picture of how the sensory marketing tools would be used, USP took on the next steps – artwork creation, printing, and on-time delivery.
Our beauty marketing tools are highly effective